Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thanks to Bunker

Ok, so Thanks to Jamie. My blog is cute. Now lets see if I can keep it up dated and now I have to figure out how to add more pictures.
I've been in Salt Lake almost 2 weeks now and I still am loving it. Haven't regreted the move. I really like my job. Before I know it, it's time to go home. I still haven't gotten to know my roommates yet cause we are never home at the same time. the trax's are fun and entertaining sometimes. The whole city life is fun too. Today my friend Marci and I took a walk up to temple square. It was fun. We work so close to everything that it's fun to enjoy the weather while it is still nice and take adventures on lunch. Tomorrow were going to go to the big Catholic church. No big plans for the weekend. Trying to get excited to go back to the singles ward. I figured if I want to find friends I better start there. Pray for me. Well I wont make this a novel

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I really want to do this blog stuff, but I just haven't had time to learn how to do it. I need your help. Will someone take pitty on me and just decorate a super cute page for me. Please..... ;) I guess I know how to post but the page is boaring. Now that I'm up north in the city maybe I'll get some cute pictures and maybe I will get a life and then I can have fun pictures up. Life is wonderful, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hoping this works

Hey girls, I'm a little behind and I don't even know if this will work. I'm just going to play with it until someone feels pitty on me and helps me out. My life is actually pretty entertaining and so I want to share with all. So hopefully this will work